Friday, February 18, 2011

My home for the next four months

Our campus is beautiful.

Those are marble staircases, smooth stone walkways, and green trees. I think I'm going to have to spend much of my free time this semester drawing the campus.

This, of course, does not count the magnificent athletic facilities, which were put in just for the 2004 Olympic teams, so they are ONLY the best. A gigantic gym, two dance studios, a fully equipped track (trust me, I WILL inquire about that pole vault pit), a grandiose pool, and a diverse rock wall. I am in love.

And if you can see it, check out the view.

Yes, there is the beautiful track, but look at all those buildings of Athens. They are all over those hills due east, north, and west of us. You can actually see the Olympic stadium from our school, too.

I am getting more and more anxious to get out of these suburbs and walk around downtown Athens and take in the glorious art, architecture, and creation that the Greeks have come up with. I know that it is always incredible to see ancient works because the people back then used all of the resources they had to make something important to them. However, the modern day has not ended the legacy of great architecture. There is no reason not to go all out on a building. I can tell you, they go all out in Spain. I want to know if they do it here. That said, this is the neighborhood:

Yes...that's a cat. Why else would I take that photo? :)

And just so we know for sure that I'm in another country, here's something you don't see in the US. Ever.


1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures Rosie. Thanks for taking the time to post them. The adventure has begun. We can't wait to hear more, especially about the pole-vault pit. If you do it, you have to get someone to take some pictures.

